The Time is Now.
Current laws do not adequately protect the rights and lives of people of color.
The Time is Now.
Current laws do not adequately protect the rights and lives of people of color.
Current laws do not adequately protect the rights and lives of people of color.
Current laws do not adequately protect the rights and lives of people of color.
We need a modernized and enhanced “New Civil Rights Act” (NCRA)
With the backdrop of police brutality, voter purging, flint water crisis, and many other wrongs to our society, it is evident that the current system of laws is clearly lacking in specificity and enforcement. These bold new laws are meant to address the gaps in current law and strengthen their enforcement.
We propose an NCRA that:
The US has a system of laws that protect police with impunity and preserve white supremacy. This is the "system" in systemic racism. Until we identify the offending parts of this system and take it apart piece by piece, we won't see meaningful change in behavior or justice being served.
We need bold new laws that tackle the largest of problems in the US affecting communities of color, specifically, black and brown people. We've referenced "the black agenda" and other materials to assemble this sweeping reform that broadly criminalizes discriminatory behavior based on its impact to communities of color. So even if we haven't addressed it in the NCRA, if it impacts people of color negatively, it will be illegal.
We hold the cards to Joe Biden's candidacy, and potentially all three branches of government. Therefore we weild the power of the majority. We need to demand a change in the laws to balance the scales of power.
Below is a first draft of the New Civil Rights Act.
We have Joe Biden’s career on the line. He only gets elected with our support, so we hold the cards to the majority’s candidate, and potentially both houses of the legislative branch and the executive after November. Therefore, we wield the power of the majority.
With that power, we need to start dismantling the system of laws that protect and perpetuate systemic racism. Law by law. Elected official by elected official. We will identify them and root them out.
We need bold, comprehensive change in this country for things to improve for black and brown people.
It’s not a candidate that gets us there. It can’t be a lone person. It’s upon all of us to channel the collective consciousness surrounding this moment into action. We need black and brown people to unite, and we need white allies to demand this legislation with us.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Let’s make our ancestors proud.
Contact us below & follow us on social.
- The New Civil Rights Act Team